How Dare You Hurt My Son?

When Elvis was taken away, he kept shouting at the old man in panic, "Dad, I don't want to go with them. Dad, help me! Help me!"

The old man tried to catch up, but he was old. He walked very slowly with a crutch and could not catch up with those young and strong security guards. After a while, Elvis was dragged into the elevator. The old man could only watch the elevator door close, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Elvis was taken away, which means that the old man also lost his hope.

Bryson and the others followed.

Seeing that the old man was trembling with anger, two executives went up to support the old man's arms. But they were forcefully flung away when they just touched him.

"Don't touch me!" The old man shook off their arms.

Before the old man left, he turned back to look at Audrey. His eyes were fixed on her face, and Audrey frowned.

Audrey could clearly feel his anger and hatred.

After glancing at Audrey, the old man walked to the elevator angrily.