You Have to Believe in Me

Audrey was speechless.

Audrey did not answer, but Bryson rejected Jean, his biological sister. Audrey thought it was improper to reject Jean bluntly.

Then Jean looked at Bryson with a meaningful smile and said, "Bryson, Ms. Audrey hasn't even spoken yet but you rejected me. Have you asked her for her opinion?"

"The Randall family owns a lot of cooperative law firms. Why don't you ask them for help but turn to Audrey?" Bryson asked in dissatisfaction.

Jean replied as a matter of course, "I've always heard that Ms. Audrey is an outstanding figure in the lawyer industry. The law firms that our company co-operates with handle affairs with money. Naturally, they won't sincerely help their clients deal with matters. However, Ms. Audrey is my friend. Am I right, Ms. Audrey?"

Since Jean had already said it, Audrey could not refuse.

Bryson glared at Audrey coldly and pulled her into his arms.

Bryson held Audrey's waist hard, indicating a warning to interrupt what she wanted to say.