The Money Had Been Donated

Audrey walked into the coffee shop and sat down opposite Warden with a smile.

"Mr. Grant, take it easy. Sit down please."

Warden was anxious, but seeing Audrey's calm appearance, he could only restrain and sit down.

Warden said with an awkward expression, "Audrey, we agreed before that as long as I help you, you will help me to lift the ban on my two accounts. You are not going back on your word, are you? If you go back on your word, I will immediately tell the court that the evidence is a false testimony that you deliberately coerced me to make."

Audrey wasn't angry. She kept a smile on her face.

"Mr. Grant, don't worry. I didn't say that I couldn't solve your two accounts." Audrey said.

Warden heaved a sigh of relief.

"When will the ban be lifted?" Warden frowned and glared at Audrey.

Audrey calmly asked, "Where's the letter of guarantee?"

Warden impatiently took out a piece of paper from his pocket and waved it in front of Audrey.