Bryson Is Almost Made of Vinegar

After sitting in the car, Audrey discovered that Simon was sitting in the car too. The driver was Dean.

Jean said to Dean, "Dean, just drive."


The car started. Jean looked at Simon with a sullen face.

"Simon, Audrey is here. Why don't you greet her?"

Simon smiled and asked, "What? Dear mother, what should I call her?"

Jean was speechless.

Audrey was now pretending to be Elliana. In other words, she was Madam Cordova's granddaughter. According to seniority, Simon should call her Aunt Elliana. However, Audrey was Bryson's girlfriend. Bryson was Simon's uncle. Therefore, Simon should call her Aunt Audrey.

Seeing that Simon was deliberately making things difficult for her, Jean rudely slapped the back of his head.

"Look! It's simple. When you arrive at the Cordova Mansion, you can call her Aunt Elliana. However, when you leave the Cordova Mansion and Grandma is not here, you can call her Aunt Audrey."

Simon said reluctantly, "Aunt Audrey."