Changing All the Maids

The anger on Kylee's face grew.

"What did you just say?" Kylee shouted coldly, "Say it again."

May's heart sank.

However, seeing Kylee's grim face, May knew that she had just said something wrong. May knelt in front of Kylee with a thud.

"Madam Cordova, I was wrong. I didn't mean to say that. Madam Cordova, please forgive me."

"Forgive you?" Kylee said coldly, "You've done something wrong, yet you still blame others. We don't need a servant like you here in this house."

May looked at Audrey with some resentment.

"Madam Cordova, I don't know what happened just now. My calf suddenly ached. That's why I accidentally knocked over the teacup. I didn't do it on purpose," May explained.

Caroline heard the voice, so she came down from upstairs.

"What happened?" Caroline saw Kylee holding Audrey's hand and reprimanding a maid with a grim face. Caroline's face immediately darkened. "What have you done this time?"