A Child Could Not Be Kept

It was Caroline.

Caroline's clothes were stained with water, so she returned to her room to change. After that, she came out and was ready to go downstairs.

Yet when she passed by the door of the guest room, she saw Audrey open the door and walk out.

Caroline didn't want to talk to Audrey, so she directly walked past Audrey.

However, out of the corner of her eyes, Caroline saw the person walking out from behind Audrey. Caroline suddenly stopped, and then she turned around to look at Bryson who was behind Audrey.

Audrey's mouth was slightly swollen and abnormally red. Although her hair had been rearranged, there were still signs of struggling.

As someone who was experienced, Caroline could immediately tell what had just happened.

Audrey and Bryson had been in the room. Obviously, they were doing something unspeakable.

Seeing this, Caroline became furious.