Caroline Is Asked to Apologize to Audrey

Caroline said, "You said that the murderer had been found? Isn't the murderer Audrey?"

Jean pulled Caroline's arm and said, "Mom, you were biased against Ms. Audrey from the beginning. So you always think that Ms. Audrey was going to do something to you and Grandma. However, I believe that the person who poisoned Grandma could not be Ms. Audrey."

"That's right. Audrey likes Grandma so much. How could she poison Grandma?" If it was just Caroline who got hurt alone, Simon might believe that Audrey did it. He wouldn't believe that Audrey would poison Kylee.

Caroline also understood what Simon was implying. She glared at him angrily.

He was her biological grandson! How could he believe Audrey?

When Madisyn heard that the murderer had been found, he was relieved.

Since Caroline always said that Audrey was a bad person, even Madisyn had some doubts about Audrey. He wondered if Audrey was the murderer that had attacked Kylee.