You Owe That Person

Bryson and Audrey arranged Curtis' meeting with Emiliano for the following morning.

Because the restaurant wouldn't open until after 10 a.m., Curtis had time in the morning.

It was National Day, and the Cordova group had a holiday, so Bryson drove Audrey to Edgeville Prison, where Emiliano was held.

Edgeville Prison was the strictest prison in Peace City, and Emiliano was in a separate cell. Two prison guards were outside his cell, having been specially designated to guard Emiliano by Bryson.

When they saw Bryson come, they respectfully bowed to Bryson and then went outside under Bryson's signal, leaving Curtis alone in front of the cell door.

Emiliano stood up excitedly when she saw Curtis.

She kept looking outside the cell door, but she couldn't find the person she had been looking for. She felt anxious.

Curtis looked at Emiliano coldly.

"You don't have to look anymore. I didn't bring Ben over."