No, You Can't Use This One!

After buying the pen holder, Audrey and Bryson continued to walk forward. Audrey opened the package and took out the peach wood pen holder she had bought before. She carefully examined it.

Although the price was not high, the shape of the pen holder was elegant and it has flowing lines. The color of the paint was dark brown, which matched the color of Bryson's desk.

"How is it? I have good taste, right?" Audrey smiled and asked Bryson beside her.

Bryson glanced at the pen holder in Audrey's hand.

Audrey really had good taste. The pen holder in her hand matched the color of his desk. The workmanship and style were also very high class. It was not bad even when compared to the works of famous craftsmen. However, this pen holder was only two hundred.

"Not bad indeed!" Bryson praised generously.

"Then when your pen holder is delivered, I will give this to you!"

Bryson didn't say anything.