The Ending

Nell chatted with Audrey and Nataly for a while before going out again. After all, Nataly and Audrey had a lot of friends, and Nell had to act as the host.

When Nell walked out of the lounge to the main hall, she heard two of the Cordova family's servants whispering in the corner.

"I didn't expect Mr. Bryson would marry Ms. Audrey. It's incredible."

"Right. Ms. Audrey is lucky. Madam Cordova forgot that she pretended to be Miss Munn and then she went to see Madam Cordova as Mr. Bryson's girlfriend. Madam Cordova didn't recognize her."

"Madam Cordova was sick, so she didn't recognize her. Alright, let's not talk about this. Now, Mr. Bryson has forbidden others from mentioning that Ms. Audrey had pretended to be Ms. Audrey. If others hear about it and tell Mr. Bryson, we will be fired."

"Right. We can't call her Ms. Audrey anymore. Soon, she will be our Mrs. Cordova."

"Yes, there are guests over there. I have to work."

"Alright, me too."