It's You Who Are Fated to Be (2)

Wasn't James admitting that Nell was his girlfriend?

Nell didn't want others to misunderstand them.

Therefore, Nell said, "Well, Doctor, let me explain. We are not..."

James held Nell's shoulder with strength so that she couldn't continue.

James said calmly, "Doctor, my girlfriend has had some different opinions with me recently. Thank you, Doctor."

Nell didn't know what she should say.

James looked gentle and admitted his mistake sincerely, so the doctor did not say anything more. He told James to go through the procedures. Nell was also dragged out of the doctor's office by James.

Once they got out, Nell said, "You lied to the doctor. When did we become a couple?"

James was still gentle. He lied without blushing, "That doctor is famous because he is lustful. His targets are single women. Do you want to be taken advantage of by him?"

Nell was stunned.

She didn't expect that.