It's You Who Are Fated to Be (5)

After hanging up the phone, Nell was instantly beaming with pleasure and left all the bummers behind at the thought of the coming date with Mr. Hall tonight.

She looked down at her clothes.

She was still wearing the outfit for yesterday's wedding. It was even creased, obviously not a good choice for the date. So she had to go back to change it.

Then she came out of the office to ask her assistant to call Kevin's agent before leaving the newspaper for her home to change clothes.


On the way home, Nell received a call from James.

"You've been discharged from the hospital?"

Nell heard James's question upon answering the phone.

Nell grunted and said, "Yes, I just finished the discharge formalities this afternoon. Because I have something urgent to deal with in the newspaper, I forgot to call you."

"You're not in the newspaper now?"

Nell said, "No! I'm going to go back to change my clothes."

James asked, "Why do you need to change your clothes?"