It's You Who Are Fated to Be (25)

In the morning, Nell was woken up by the ringtone of a phone beside her, but... The ringtone was not hers.

She was puzzled.

An arm passed over her face, picked up the phone on the bedside table on her side, and pressed the answer button.

"Hello, this is James."

Nell's mind was blown.


When she thought of what happened last night, she was so embarrassed and wanted to be huddled up in a ball somewhere.

She was going to flush herself down the toilet.

After James ended the call, he put the phone on his side and said to Nell apologetically, "I'm sorry that my phone woke you up."

Nell buried her face in the blanket and shook her head hard.

"It's fine, it's fine. Do what you need to do."

James' gentle low laughter came from behind her.

"Since you're awake, let's do it again!"

Nell didn't have the chance to refuse.


By the time Nell woke up again, it was already noon.

She was too tired to even lift a finger.