Here Comes Veronica (30)

Veronica ran back to Stella's room.

On the way back to Stella's room, Veronica didn't dare to look back. When she ran to Stella's room, she was still panting heavily.

Stella was shocked when she saw Veronica running in a panic. She nervously held Veronica's hand. "Veronica, what's wrong with you? Why do you look like evil ghosts are chasing you?"

"Well, I'm fine." Veronica looked at Stella comfortingly. "By the way, I brought your clothes over."

Veronica handed the clothes in her hand to Stella.

"Thank you, Veronica!"

"Change your clothes. I'll go to the door to keep a lookout for you!" Veronica said.


Coming out of Stella's room, Veronica gradually calmed her breathing.

When she faced Raymond just now, she was scared out.

She could feel that when she returned to the Cordova's villa, Raymond would not let her off easily.