Here Comes Veronica (35)

On the way back to the villa, Veronica had been looking at Raymond with her eyes full of anger.

After ordering a plate of fried eggs in the breakfast restaurant, Raymond ordered bread and a bowl of soup. Moreover, he had eaten all of them. Of course, Veronica was the one who paid for the breakfast.

What was worse, after he finished eating, Raymond revealed a contented expression and said to Veronica, "I am not satisfied with the food, so I will save this money for you for the time being and return it to you later."

He ate her food and said that he was not satisfied.

If he was not satisfied, he wouldn't have ordered another plate of fried eggs, bread, and a bowl of soup.

After eating so much, why didn't Raymond have a stomachache?

In the end, not only did Veronica not get the money back, but she also paid for breakfast. She was so distressed.

Veronica could eat breakfast for a week with that money.

She glared at Raymond as if to kill him.

What an annoying guy!