Here Comes Veronica (43)

After hanging up the phone with Dora, Raymond picked up the car key and turned to leave the villa.

Marie stopped Raymond.

"Mr. Cordova, it's so late, and it's raining heavily outside. Where are you going?"

"You are so worried about Veronica. I'll go find her!"

"You didn't get through to her. How could you know where she went? If you insist on going out, take an umbrella with you!" Before Raymond got in the car, Marie stuffed an umbrella into his car.

Raymond glanced at the passenger seat and drove away from the villa.

The car left the villa and quickly drove into the rain, disappearing from Marie's sight.

Marie looked worriedly at Raymond's back as he left.

She hoped that nothing would happen to Veronica.

The cast on Raymond's arm was just removed a week ago. When driving, he should not use too much strength.


Raymond drove the car in the direction of North Mountain. The car rolled across the water and splashed water.