Here Comes Veronica (67)

Veronica's face suddenly turned red from Raymond's words.

She quickly looked around. After making sure that no one noticed them, she was relieved.

What was Raymond doing? Why did he suddenly make such a request?

Veronica looked at Raymond in amazement. She quickly opened the car door and ran away, ducking out of Raymond's sight.

Raymond did not drive away until Veronica turned a corner and was out of sight.

After Raymond left, Veronica suddenly walked out from the corner and watched him drive away.

She smiled slightly and walked towards her classroom.

Since Raymond had sent her off, Veronica had enough time to get to the classroom before class.

When Veronica arrived, Stella had already been there.

Stella saw Veronica and asked in surprise, "Hey, did Mr. Cordova make things difficult for you today?"

Hearing Stella mention Raymond, Veronica looked awkward.

"Well, no." Veronica felt a little guilty and did not dare to look at Stella.