Here Comes Veronica (74)

Looking at Justin, Veronica thought for a moment and said generously, "How about this? You don't have to treat me to a meal. I'll treat you!"

Justin had helped her a lot in the past eighteen months, so it was reasonable for Veronica to treat him to a meal.


Twenty minutes later, Veronica and Justin sat in a restaurant.

Veronica handed the menu to Justin. "You can order whatever you like."

Justin ordered two dishes. Veronica added another two dishes. Then she then asked the waiter to serve the dishes.

Before the dishes came, Veronica asked the waiter to send a bunch of freshly squeezed orange juice.

"I don't drink. Do you want a drink?" Veronica suddenly thought of that and asked Justin.

Justin shook his head. "Orange juice is fine."

Veronica took the initiative to fill Justin's cup. Then she filled hers.

Veronica raised the cup in her hand and gestured in Justin's direction. Justin also raised his cup.