The Smell on Him Would Permeate the Whole World

This week, Maverick wanted to see whether Everly could do this job after taking it from Jayden. Moreover, he was indeed very busy and didn't have time to think about anything else.

Now, he seemed to realize this feeling resulted from the fact that he could see she worked around him every day.

What was wrong with him?

He seemed to have never had such kind of feeling before, but it was so obvious that he couldn't ignore it at all.

Could it be because of that night five years ago?

"I'm just helping you untie the bow tie." Everly's weak voice interrupted Maverick's thoughts. She said, "Let go of me."

Because of the height difference, Everly was right close to Maverick's neck. As she spoke, he could feel her soft and warm breath on his Adam's apple.

Maverick felt her breath was like a kind of electric charge which surged through every particle of his body.

His eyes turned incomparably gloomy as he subconsciously held onto her slender waist more tightly.