I Even Suspected I Had Two Children Back Then

Maverick who walked in front seemingly had no intention of waiting for her.

So Everly sped up her steps to catch him. However, he suddenly stopped when he arrived at the door.

Before she stood steadily, Everly bumped into his back.

She let out a little moan and covered her painful nose with her hands. Hearing it, Maverick turned around and saw a pair of watery and misty eyes.

The eyes....

They were the most special and mysterious human body parts.

It was said one's eyes were the windows to his soul.

That was true.

However, Maverick had not seen her face closely. Now he found her eyes were extremely beautiful. And it was never known to him before.

In an instant, the eyes of another important person for him flashed through his mind.

He recalled his daughter's eyes.

Even though Everly was an adult, she had the same watery and purple eyes as her daughter's which sparked as bright as diamond when she looked at him.

Maverick's heart skipped a beat.

"It hurts...."