Five Years Ago, Maverick Wore a Pair of Glasses

The communication was a failure.

When Everly was lying on the bed after taking a shower, she was thinking about what Maverick had said when he sent her back.

"I hate explanation, but I am willing to explain it to you today."

He said, "Everly, you think I regard you as a pet on a whim. If so, why didn't I do anything to you when you were drugged last time?"


That time.

Thinking of that time, Everly felt all her strength had been suddenly sucked out from her body. She had no way to refute.

In the end, she didn't say anything. Her son and Maverick's daughter had made an appointment to celebrate their birthday. She wanted to decline with an excuse.

But now, it seemed impossible to decline.

"What to do now?"

"What should I do now?"

"Why do I think of Maverick all the time?"