I Don't Have to Wait until Now If I Like Her

Everly was a little stunned.

Maverick gently pressed the corner of her lips with his hand. His gaze was soft, "Why don't you continue? You are not angry now?"

It made Everly feel like an unreasonable child, though the man didn't show any disgust. She asked, "What do you mean?"

"You don't have to worry about anything. You can just be yourself. You can say anything you want. You don't have to beat around the bush. Because you are my girl. Do you understand?"

These words were like chocolate wrapped in colored paper.

It was so sweet that she was deeply touched.

"You... Don't you think I am just a nobody?" She pursed her lips and looked at Maverick with watery eyes.

Maverick was a smart person, so he immediately got what she meant.

Actually, he felt that Everly was a proud little woman.

When she first met him, she was just a secretary. She could endure many things just because of his casual words.