Won't Let You Bring Up The Kid Alone

Maverick did not want Zane to be too proud of himself. The other party was too pleased with himself. Perhaps what he said today would make Zane struggle for several days.

Zane came to resign, probably because he wanted to clear up the relationship. When the Lamont Group met trouble, he would stand by with indifference. When that time came, everyone would be in a rush to save themselves. If they wanted to find trouble with him again, it would take a longer time.

But time was precious, at that time, it was estimated that it would be difficult to shake Zane.

"Are you alright?"

Everly stood at the door of the office. When she pushed the door open, Maverick did not notice.

Maverick raised his eyes and met Everly's slightly worried eyes.

"When did you arrive? Just arrived?" Maverick got up from the chair with a gentle smile. It was completely different from the slightly gloomy man just now.