Levi Lays Motionless on the Ground

Everly's entire body was covered in a cold sweat because that dream just now was really too real. She was frightened and almost woke up crying.

She didn't have time to wipe her tears. The first thing she did was get off the bed.

She didn't remember when she fell asleep last night.

Frustration quickly wrapped around her.

How could she fall asleep!

The sky was already bright outside, and the sun climbed in through the window. The bright sun did not dispel the darkness and coldness in her heart.

This place was still in hospital and judging from the furnishings here, it should be a break room.

A thrill passed all over Everly. Her feet landed on the ground, and a cold feeling quickly crept up from beneath her feet. She shuddered, and without even thinking, she started running out.

A force pulled her back.

Her anger immediately rose.

"Let me go!"

Everly roared in a hoarse voice.