She Finds a Teacher

The man fetched the key and opened the door. They walked into the studio.

There were paintings scattering everywhere, and among them was Master Larry, who was standing in front of an oil painting with a serious expression.

Master Larry was in his eighties, his hair sparse but his eyes sharp. He looked scary when he was quiet.

"Master, Mr. James has made an appointment with you. He is here now." The man said softly.

Master Larry turned and ran his eyes on James for a few seconds and then back to the painting.

The man was a little helpless, ready to say something but was stopped by James. James told him to do his own things.

Kara took a step forward and stared at the painting in front of Master Larry.

On the canvas was a woman who stared into the distance under the setting sun, her eyes full of melancholy. The painting was shrouded in dense gloom. Looking at it made people feel heavy and uneasy.