The Second Birthday Present

Back at the villa, Kara was still flustered when she thought of James's bold behavior in the lounge.

If he wanted to get engaged to another woman, why did he act so intimately with her?

Frustrated, she turned to look at her bag, a chill down her spine.

If he didn't get engaged to Kathleen, James wouldn't be able to keep the position of the SA Group's president, but Kathleen was not a good match for him!

She went to get Libby to pour her a glass of wine. She had never drunk before, but didn't everyone say that liquor could strengthen one's courage?

James, who was handling his work in the study, suddenly heard a knock on the door. The only person who could knock at this time was Kara.

Thinking of her shy appearance in the afternoon, he subconsciously licked his lips.

"Come in!"

She was still knocking.

The door wasn't open, but the knocking continued.

James frowned and got up to open the door. Leaning against the door, Kara pounced forward. James immediately hugged her.