I Will Sleep with You

Libby opened the door and saw a courier standing outside the door. She thought that she had not bought anything online.

"There is a package for you. Please sign here."

"For whom?" Libby took the package from the courier and didn't find any information about the recipient.

"I don't know either. I just sent the express delivery according to the address."

The courier checked the address before leaving.

Libby was puzzled. Mr. James definitely wouldn't buy things online. Then she handed the package to Kara.

"Miss Kara, is this yours?"

Kara took the package and thought that she had bought a lot of things recently, but the address was her studio. How could it be sent here?

Did Arya send it to her?

She wanted to open it first to see what it was and to know whose it was.

There was a stack of photos inside the package.

When she saw the familiar person in the photo, she frowned. Libby also stretched out her neck to look. Kara panicked and immediately put these photos away.