She Died

After walking into the studio, Kara saw Jamya cleaning up. She smiled and went forward to greet Jamya.


Jamya looked up at her and asked, "Have you finished your work?"

"No." Kara coughed guiltily.

Jamya turned around to wipe the table with a rag and grabbed the watering pot when she saw Kara take it.

"Hurry up and finish your job!"

Kara was stunned and looked at her in surprise.

"If I complete my work, aren't you worried that I'll win over you?"

Jamya snorted, "The person I want to defeat is never you, but myself!"

Kara was speechless.

Kara stared at her in shock. In the past, her mother seemed to have said this to her as well.

She admired Jamya could think in this way.

"Don't stare at me with such adoration. Master Larry often said these words. Although drawing requires knowledge and cultivation, from another perspective, it is also a kind of cultivation."