Jadon's Apology

When Kara woke up, she found that she was in a strange room. She sat up in horror.

She got drunk yesterday, and what happened after that?

Several scenes flashed across her mind. She seemed to have had sex with a man in the bathtub. Her face was deadly pale at once.

As soon as her feet touched the ground, an arm wrapped her waist. She froze, and her rosy lips trembled slightly.

"You... Let go of me!"

James was busy until the wee hours, so he only slept for at most four hours. In a daze, he felt that Kara wanted to get up. He narrowed his eyes slightly and lazily placed an arm on her, preventing her from fleeing.

Unexpectedly, he sensed that she was filled with fear.

He raised his handsome eyebrows slightly. Was she still mad about what happened yesterday?

"Little fool, where are you going?"


Kara, who was about to struggle, was stunned. She turned around in surprise and saw James' handsome face. She widened her eyes in shock.

"Is this really happening?"