She Was the First

The potbellied Mr. Alfredo in front of Isabella was the host of the banquet. He looked kind. But Isabella sensed his wretched heart, as she found him secretly glanced at her. Thus, she bit the bullet and greeted him, "Good evening, Mr. Alfredo."

"Good evening."

Mr. Alfredo held Isabella's hand, looking up and down at her, and then narrowed his eyes to praise her in front of her father. "I heard that your wife is a great beauty. I didn't expect that your daughter is prettier. She is gorgeous. It's rare to see such a beautiful lady."

Carl smiled, "You are flattering me. I would appreciate you very much if you could give her some support."

"Yeah, of course. Please come in."

Mr. Alfredo held Isabella's hand with one hand, caressing her waist with the other.

Isabella felt goosebumps all over her body, stiffening her back.

'My goodness...'