Let's Pretend We Don't Know Each Other

"Hold up. Why do I have to feel guilty? She's just an ignorant woman," Joseph tried to convince himself.

Yet Joseph remained unsettled the entire day. Isabella, her delicacy and warmth when she hugged him last night got stuck in his head. He couldn't shake it off his mind...

"Mr. Joseph, it's a great honor to have you personally here. Please, come inside!"

A person standing in front of him interrupted his thoughts. Raising his head, he saw Mr. Alfredo, an old man who was the party's host, also a former provincial official.

He had a kind smile on his face, but it seemed more like disgusting flattery.

Boring people. He would rather go back and tease Isabella if he could.

However, considering Master Wilson's words, Joseph lowered his head respectfully and responded politely, "It's my great pleasure to be invited by Mr. Alfredo!"

"Mr. Joseph, you're flattering me. Please come in!"

"The Wilson Consortium, Joseph Wilson--"