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"The one in my bowl?" Isabella was stunned. "This is vegetable soup without a bit of meat…"

"Hand it over to me!"

Joseph stood up and took Isabella's bowl over the table. Isabella hurriedly said, "This is very cheap, and I ate it..."

Joseph had taken a sip.

That was awful. It would be called an animal feed.

Isabella stood there awkwardly and waited for Joseph to vomit.

However, Joseph didn't vomit. He took another sip and carefully felt the aftertaste.

Isabella was surprised.

Wasn't Joseph as hedonistic as she had imagined? Was he willing to concern about her pain?

"It is an animal feed," Joseph commented seriously.


Before Isabella finished thinking, Joseph broke up her beautiful images.

Nothing could change the fact that Joseph was a complete hedonist.

The four dishes were wasted. Joseph ate a little of every dish and then left.

Isabella helplessly packed away the dishes on the table.
