The Most Beautiful Dance

Isabella was a little excited. "I'll go back and get change! Well, I'm wearing no shoes!"

She turned around and was about to return to the room.

Joseph directly pulled Isabella back, then he held her waist and lifted her up. He let her stand on his clean and bright leather shoes. "You don't need to go back. This is enough."

Isabella looked at her dirty bare feet and flushed. "My feet are dirty. I don't want to make your shoes dirty. And how can we dance like this?"

"You still want to dance by yourself after drinking 11 shots?"

Joseph held Isabella's slender waist with her big hands. He said, "Let's just dance like this."

As he said this, he slowly moved his feet, and they started to dance slowly.

"Who was your partner at the formal ball tonight?" Isabella leaned against Joseph and her body was stiff. She felt a bit nervous.

"The official ball?"

Joseph thought for a moment. "Isn't it the official ball now? You are the champion in the drinking competition."