The Wilson's Child

If he just didn't love her, she was willing to patiently help him learn to love...

Isabella imagined while holding the book with Slike's photo and prayed, "Dad, please bless me to be happy and that Joseph will like me, even if just a little ......"

The car stopped at the bus station. Just as Isabella got out of the car, she saw Joseph's black car drive past.

Her heart bumped nervously all of a sudden.

She had never expected that Joseph would get off work so early today.

She thought she could stop him in the courtyard and confess her love by the fountain. The scenery there was good, and there were no people. If he got angry, she wouldn't lose too much face.

Then she shook her head, she thought that even if he laugh at her, he shouldn't get angry.

"Come on! Mr. Joseph will be my husband. Let's do this!" she said to herself.

Just as Isabella was about to run to intercept Joseph, a red sports car suddenly passed in front of her.