She was trapped

From the first time Isabella saw Joseph in the bar, she noticed that there was a square ruby ring on his left pinky. On that day, she saw rings in all colors and shapes in his cloakroom. She was quite curious why he never changed another ring. Isabella thought, 'Does this ring mean anything?

A symbol of love?

Impossible, Angelina said that he never has a girlfriend, so how could it mean love?

Maybe it is a symbol of luck.

I heard that people who do business will believe in superstition.'

Isabella interrupted the clerk when thinking about this, "Sorry, I don't want to buy this today. Is there any jewelry suitable for middle-aged ladies?"

The shop assistant stopped talking and looked at Isabella up and down. She frowned and said, "Please come with me."

Isabella was led to the female jewelry area. She looked at the jewelry in the counter carefully and finally fixed her eyes on a jade green bracelet. "Could you show me this one please?"