I'll Wait for Your Coming Back, Dear

Joseph hung up the phone and rushed to cloakroom.

Isabella was completely ignored.

However, Isabella wasn't sensitive. She wrapped herself in a bath towel and charged into cloakroom with full combat strength. She dragged out the small leather suitcase that Joseph often used and said excitedly, "I will help you! Let me help you!"

As she said it, she opened the suitcase and pulled out a piece of paper from it. As she looked at it, she asked, "How long will you go? Are two sets of underwear and shirts enough? How many towels will you take? Do you want to bring that expensive toothbrush?"

Joseph paused, "What are you holding?"

"Your equipment list."

Isabella chortled and waved the small card in her hand, "I'm smart and quick-witted, right? I can help you in one go!"

"A list of equipment? Where did you get it?"

"I wrote it according to William's suggestion."