The Shocking Kidnapping Case

An hour later, the car arrived at Richmond Arts University. After Isabella politely said goodbye and got out of the car, Cedric suddenly said, "Wait a minute. Something just came to my mind."

"What is it?" Isabella leaned over to the window and asked.

"Normally, the organizers will keep the drafts of the award-winning designs."

Hearing this, Isabella was dumbfounded. Cedric smiled as the car drove away...

"The organizers will keep the drafts..."

"Finally! It is no longer a mess!" Isabella was overjoyed and murmured.

Looking into the direction that the car left, she rubbed her nose and muttered, "Great! This meal was worthwhile."

"I failed to see her clearly at night. I didn't expect this young lady to be so beautiful."

Peter commented as the car drove out.

"It's a pity that she doesn't have a good temper. She's not cute at all," Joey commented.

"Whatever! She won't be our young mistress anyway. Who cares?"