She Gets More Than She Expected

Joseph was so happy to hear Isabella saying this. He held her hand and said, "You are so nice to me today. I can't believe it. You even cursed me in your sleep last night."

Isabella blushed.

She glared at Joseph angrily, "I am always a nice person when you don't provoke me!"

"Okay. Stop it."

Joseph kissed Isabella's hand and mocked her with a smile, "No woman dares to deliberately wipe her nose on me as you did. How audacious you are."

"I didn't."

Isabella's face turned red. She poked Joseph's chest and said, "I didn't do it on purpose! How many women have you held in your arms? How do you know how they cried?"

"I have several dozens of women before."

Joseph pinched Isabella's nose and said, "If you aren't mean to me, you will be my only woman from now on."

"Don't pinch my nose! You are teasing me again!" Isabella struggled.

"I'm fond of teasing you." Joseph revealed an evil but charming smile, "You can fight back if you can."

"Joseph, I'll kick your ass!"