She Still Can't Escape

"Then I see."

Mr. Alfredo understood since he heard this. Then he smiled. "Mr. Joseph, although you are young, believe me that Isabella is definitely worth it. I give you my word since I'm quite experienced."

As he said that, he happily pointed at Joseph, "See? Not only is Isabella beautiful, but also her figure and butt are top-grade from a man's point of view."

Isabella's lips trembled as she grabbed onto the ice-cold guardrail.

She felt that she was like a donkey in the market right now, which was evaluated to see if she was worth it.

Mr. Alfredo patted her waist and buttocks ambiguously and smiled. "The most important thing is that she is really cute and sensible as her father says. It will definitely be interesting later."

Isabella was embarrassed. The lies she had told Joseph earlier were completely revealed at this moment. She bit her lips tightly.

"So it's like this...."