They Know Each Other


When Zachary saw Cedric, he immediately greeted him happily, "Come over! Let Isabella take off her clothes and go down to swim. It is so fun!"

Isabella was stunned, and Cedric's face turned gloomy.

"You idiot, why can't you remember? I've told you many times that Isabella can't play with us now!"

Jayden held a glass of wine and wore a white short-sleeved suit with a black tie. He looked like a gentleman as he smiled at Cedric, "Cedric, come up with Isabella."

Then he said with a meaningful smile, "Isabella is so beautiful today!"

No wonder everyone thought Jayden was cunning because each of his flattery was delightful.

They greeted each other. As soon as Isabella got on the boat and walked to the deck, Cedric asked, "What? Joseph isn't here yet?"

Isabella was just about to head to her room to put her bag. When she heard this, she suddenly paused.