Strange Welcome Party

Isabella fell silent. "When you coaxed Stella into bed, did you suddenly become gentle and patient like now?"

"Jane is right. Men are all like this. When they coax women into bed, they instantly become Mr. Good. You are also a man, and you are no exception."

Joseph was stunned. "When I was with Stella..."

"Forget it..."

"How could I interfere with your past? You can only treat me well from now on. Let's not talk about this anymore. Go home." Isabella scratched her head.

Joseph grabbed Isabella's wrist. "Wait, you have to tell me clearly when Stella and I..."

Isabella frowned. "Joseph, don't go too far. Stella has already told me that you two used to be together every day. You..."

"Stella and I didn't do anything."

Joseph looked at Isabella in a daze. "Being together doesn't mean we were doing it. If your intelligence can be synchronized with your imagination, I think you should be very smart."

Isabella was stunned. "But..."

"But what?"