As Long as You Are There

When Isabella returned to her room, she made the bed and climbed onto it. Joseph went to take a shower.

Isabella felt the softness of the big bed, listened to Joseph's bath, and then looked at the pillow next to her head that was exactly the same as hers. Happiness filled her.

From today onwards, Isabella and Joseph would become husband and wife. From then on, they would depend on each other and support each other. This feeling was really good.

Although Joseph had a big temper, it was good that Isabella was no longer afraid of him. Instead, she felt that he was quite cute when he was angry.


Isabella rolled around happily on the big bed.

Joseph just happened to come out after the shower. Seeing Isabella rolling around like a bug, he could not help but laugh. "Stop, naughty girl. Hand over the green box over there. I'll apply some ointment for you. You scratched your collarbone."