Let You Have No Worries

Isabella said happily, "I feel warm in Wilson Manor. As for the thing about Rosy before, it was because your hands were all over me and you didn't close the door."

When Joseph heard this, he rubbed Isabella's head, then held her shoulders with both hands and kissed her forehead, "I have the same feelings as you. Although grandpa is strict with us, I also like to live with him, so this house is for your mother."

Isabella was stunned.

"It is not newly purchased, I only lived here for a few days when I needed it. It is no different from a new one."

Joseph looked at Isabella and analyzed seriously, "Originally, I wanted to buy a villa in the eastern suburbs to give it to her. Later on, I felt that it might take a lot of time to renovate it. Moreover, she might feel lonely if she lived there alone. Therefore, it would be better to stay in the city. Moreover, this place is closer to Wilson Manor. It will be convenient for you to visit your mother or us to have dinner with her."