I Love You More and More

Joseph remembered what happened in the health club a month ago. He suddenly lost his temper, which had hurt Isabella's feelings. He held Isabella's hand and explained, "It was..."

"I was very happy!" Isabella said.

Isabella smiled and nestled against Joseph's arms. "Although you got mad with me, you have become much gentler since then."

She slightly scratched Joseph's neck. "Maybe you wouldn't be so nice to me if it didn't happen. I usually cry. So people will care about me. I am so smart that I've found my Mr. Right by crying. What a good job!"

Joseph couldn't help laughing. He then lowered his head and kissed Isabella.

Isabella also kissed him on tiptoes in great excitement. But suddenly, she noticed that something was pressing against her belly. "You, you, you..." She was shocked and pushed Joseph away.

"What do you want to say?"