Why Did You Hook My Legs?

This time, Joseph was stunned.

Isabella pursed her lips. "I know that a woman's appearance is important, so is her personality as well as many small details. A man will never settle down only because a girl is pretty. I am not good at pleasing you. Instead, I often make you angry. But now I want to make you happy. You are so handsome and rich, and numerous women like you. If I don't work hard, what if one day you are seduced away by a woman who will please you?"

Isabella paused and frowned slightly. "Although I don't like Lukas anymore, what if you leave me one day as he did back then? So you..."

During the talk, they went upstairs. Joseph followed behind Isabella. It was not hard to find Isabella was struggling and talking sadly. Taking two steps forward, Joseph pressed her against the wall and silenced her with a long kiss.