A Gunfight

"Miss Isabella, please go and meet Mr. Joseph." Gerry urged.


Isabella held onto the wall even harder, "If I go over like this, all sorts of gossip about my being kept by a wealthy man will definitely spread tomorrow. I will never be able to explain this! I still want to live an innocent and peaceful life!"


A minute later, a handsome and tall man escorted a girl onto the plane. However, the girl wrapped her head in a coat all the way.

Obviously, she didn't want anyone to see her face.

Then, in the next one month and so, the news that a rich second-generation flied a helicopter to court a girl at Richmond Arts University spread like wildfire in Peace City. On the Campus Bulletin Board System, there were also people who repeatedly watched this video in an attempt to find out the identity of the girl....

Isabella didn't know what to say about this gossips.


It was simply abusing...