Name Your Price


She knew it!

"Leroy, what exactly do you want?"

"I told you that I want you." Leroy touched her face with his slender fingers. Reyna subconsciously dodged his hand. But he held her by the chin and forced her to face him. "You just want money. I give you the chance to name a price. Then you'll sleep with me."

Reyna hit his hand off her face and smiled. "Didn't you just say that you like obedient women?"

Leroy sat back on the sofa with his legs crossed on the coffee table. He still looked very arrogant. "I'm tired of those women who throw themselves at me. I want a change for fun."

"You're crazy!"


In the following days, Reyna went to work in fear. Leroy always tried hard to get whatever he wanted.

Fortunately, Reyna had never seen him again in the club after they parted unhappily last time.

"Perhaps he just wanted to scare me," Reyna comforted herself.

Anyway, she was glad that she received an interview offer after sending out many resumes.

She didn't have to work today. After a simple freshening up, she went to the company that she was interviewing for.

However, she got surprised that the interviewer was Ricky Parks. They went to the same university and same major and he was a few years ahead of her.

Reyna met Ricky at a party of the art school. They had a great talk, and happened to have the same elective course. So, they went on to become good friends.

But Ricky was two years ahead of her. Their paths diverged and they barely talked to each other after he graduated.

Reyna didn't know that he was the owner of the Parks Studio.

Ricky was also very happy. He chatted with Reyna and assigned some work to her.

Reyna finally had a job now. She couldn't find a full-time job for a long time. Therefore, she was very glad even though she only got 2,500 as her base salary.

Reyna immediately quit her job in the supermarket and joined the Parks Studio the next day.

After Reyna got to know her work in the morning, Ricky treated her to lunch.

They finished ordering their meal soon. When they were waiting, Reyna sincerely thanked Ricky, "Ricky, thank you very much."

Ricky was stunned for a moment. Then he smiled. "I haven't seen you for so long. You don't have to say that for a lunch."

"I mean it." Reyna looked at Ricky with gratitude. "I said that for this lunch and that job."

"It's our honor to have a designer like you. After all, Parks Studios is a small studio. I was worried that you would feel we don't deserve you. Anyway, never mind about it."

Reyna laughed, "No, I wouldn't."

Ricky was really a great talker. They chatted a lot, which made Reyna look forward to her new job.

The Full Bloom Club was closed today, so Reyna didn't have to work at night. After getting off work, Reyna went straight home.

She was busy for so long. Now she could finally sleep early tonight.

Reyna was exhausted as she walked upstairs. She took a hot bath and went to the bed. Then she fell asleep in her pajamas.

Suddenly, with a loud bang, Reyna woke up from her dream. She narrowed her sleepy eyes and saw Duncan stumbling in.

The door was broken and almost fell after Duncan kicked it.

"Mr. Duncan, this is my room. You're drunk."

Right after Reyna said that, Duncan pounced towards her and hugged her tightly. Reyna screamed in fright and struggled.

"This is my house. I'm free to come in." Duncan belched. The strong smell of alcohol made Reyna sick. "Reyna, I've liked you for a long time. I dreamed of ... getting you ... and sleeping with you!"

"Don't touch me! Let me go!" Reyna was scared out of her sleepiness. She screamed and struggled crazily, "Bastard! Let go of me! If you dare touch me, I will tell your wife!"

Duncan's wife, Kiley, was at her parents' with their two children. Lance was at school for some activities. Now, there were only Reyna and Duncan in the house.

She did not know that Duncan took her in for this. She was too careless!

Duncan was not afraid at all, and he even laughed arrogantly. As he tore her clothes, he said, "That bitch, do you think ... she will do anything for you? No ... she can't control me...."

Duncan suddenly lowered his head and tried to kiss Reyna on the neck. Reyna struggled crazily and hit between his thighs with her knee. Duncan was hurt and could only loosen his grip on Reyna.

She took the moment to run out with all her might.

But Duncan's growls came closer to her. Reyna could only run faster on her bare foot.

She couldn't be caught. She would be screwed up if Duncan got her.

Reyna stumbled downstairs and saw a black Audi passing by.

Her eyes lit up. She followed the car and tried to reach it regardless of the danger. She knocked on the door desperately. "Help ... Help me...."

Seeing Duncan was going to catch up, Reyna was even more anxious and afraid. So, she knocked harder on the door.

The car suddenly stopped and the door opened in time.

Reyna was delighted and quickly opened the car door. Just as she was about to get in the car, she saw the handsome man who had been her nightmare.

Reyna froze in astonishment.

Leroy looked at her. It was dark in the car, but Reyna could see him smiling. "Are you not getting in?"

Reyna shrank back as if she got burned. However, the next second, Duncan grabbed her hair and pulled her off the car.

"Damn, where do you think you're going? Run so fast? Now keep running?"

Duncan held Reyna to stop her running away. His arms were as strong as iron claws. Her eyes were filled with despair as she stared at Leroy in the car.

Leroy put the window down and then put his arm on it. Reyna could see the unicorn pattern on his right arm. The dim light in the car was turned off. Smoke floated out from the window and veiled Leroy's gorgeous face under the street lights. Reyna could not tell what he was thinking.

As the smoke cleared away, Leroy stared at Reyna's miserable face. He said indifferently, "Reyna, I will save you if you ask me nicely."

It was an intimate address. But Reyna turned cold all over when she heard it.