He Is Still Alive

Having failed to find Bentley's tombstone, Reyna could only return home disappointed.

The next day, she was listless at work.

At noon break, Reyna was lying on the table trying to take a nap. Yet a group of women were chattering beside her, making her unable to fall asleep.

Helpless, she could only get up and go to the lobby on the first floor to find a lounge.

Just as she came to the hall, she saw from afar a female colleague waving something and saying excitedly, "Look, the invitation for the birthday party of the young master of the Deckers." The woman ran her fingers through her hair, continued proudly, "I heard this will be the first time that Mr. Decker shows up in public after he was injured two years ago. And I am gonna make some new connections this time."

Reyna's eyes suddenly widened. The young master of the Deckers ... Which Deckers?