Are You Sober?

Bentley's blue eyes seemed icy, like a sharp knife, cutting her body over and over again.

The wounds were deep enough to see blood.

"Yes." She suddenly raised her head and explained in a tone of panic, "Bentley, I can explain, I..."

"We've been dating for a year and I haven't touched you. I almost died trying to save you. It took me a long time to get back, but you became Leroy Malone's woman!" He turned around and walked towards her step by step, with disappointment and resentment in his eyes.

Reyna's eyes went teary, and her explanation seemed weak and an effort to cover thing up, "It's not like that. When my father left, I really had nowhere to go..."

That's right, she did give her virginity to Leroy. At that time, Leroy asked her if it was her first time. The reason why she didn't explain was because she felt that it was a trade. She didn't need to explain.

"Enough, I don't want to hear your explanation!" Bentley roared, "Reyna Herring, I've thought better of you!"