If You Are Pregnant, Give Birth to It

Reyna did not understand, but Leroy no longer explained. Instead, he told her to start eating and said, "Eat as much as you can. It is going to be a long night."

Now Reyna knew what he was implying.

Sure enough, after the dinner, Leroy directly brought her back.

However, it was not her residence they returned, but his villa, the Imperial Court Garden.

Reyna had visited the Imperial Court Garden a few times. Every time, it was Leroy who brought her here. She had also left in a hurry every time, without exploring the garden further.

Reyna noticed the scenery of the Imperial Court Garden until now.

It was vast, and they had to drive from the main door to the main house.

The garden was surrounded by plants and trees which were beautifully trimmed. At night, the garden was surrounded by the sound of crickets.